Council Grove Hook Up Beach


The Monmouth Beach Fire Company was born on September 29, 1905, when a group of men met at the Willow Grove house on Fresh Pond Rd (now Riverdale Ave) with the intention of organizing a fire company for borough residents. Up until then, residents had mostly depended on the Oliver Byron Engine Company in nearby North Long Branch for their fire protection. At this meeting, Nelson Lockwood Sr. was appointed temporary chairman and Richard West was named secretary. A motion was passed for a charter to be procured under the laws of the State of New Jersey.

Council Grove Hook Up Beach Realty

At a special meeting held on October 5, 1905, the newly formed organization was named the Monmouth Beach Fire Company, and the first officers were appointed. President Nelson Lockwood Sr. Vice President William Blizzard Sr. Treasurer John McWood Sr. Foreman Charles A. Valentine 1st Asst. Foreman William Heitzman 2nd Asst. Foreman E. Borden West.

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Council Grove Hook Up Beach Club

Council Grove Hook Up Beach

At the company's annual meeting on December 3, 1907, the offices of Chief and two assistants were added to the officer's line. Elected were the company's first Chief, John A Maney, along with 1st Assistant Chief Michael Burns, and 2nd Assistant Chief Fred H. Cook.

Council Grove Hook Up Beach Towel

Shortly thereafter, the Borough Council presented the company with a horse-drawn hook and ladder apparatus. Thus, in 1908, just three years after a small group of men acted on an idea, a well-organized fire company was operating for the Borough of Monmouth Beach.

In 1916, the fire chiefs appeared before the Borough Council to request some type of pumping apparatus and electric fire alarm. The council was in favor of the alarm but denied the request for the apparatus. Undaunted, the members started on their own, and with public donations, purchased a Lozier sedan automobile from a local resident for $250.00. The body was removed, and after bids were sent out for the construction of a hose body on a chassis. For $600.00, The Thomas Beatty firm of Long Branch was awarded the contract. This was the first motorized apparatus put into active service by the Monmouth Beach Fire Company. In 1919, the company purchased town-owned property next to the Borough Hall for $50. The firehouse was moved from its location at the corner of Beach and Borden Streets to its present site. The Borough Council delivered the electric fire alarm at this time. The bell and tower were removed from the building. At a May 1921 company dinner, the MBFC accepted its first pumping apparatus- a 750 GPM American La France.